This time, reference was made to the Model Code 2010 design guidelines related to the use of reinforcement protecting the plate-column connection after puncture, referred to as integrating reinforcement. The Model Code 2010 model requires that in the case of an internal connection, the reinforcement consists of at least four intersecting bars or eight rods not connected to each other, but appropriately anchored in the pole. In the case of an edge joint, it should be assumed that the number of appropriately anchored rods is six - Model Code 2010 does not directly indicate the solution for edge joints.
Always remember to properly anchor the integrating reinforcement bars. The conclusions from the study clearly show that the lack of proper anchorage significantly reduces the load-bearing capacity of the structure in the event of an emergency after piercing.
Minirelation from the study on the site
A detailed report will be available in Technical Bulletin No. 9 - premiere in March.
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